Forgive us for the delay, we just HAD to have the stamps on hand for this month and it's finally HERE! And so, it's another paper heavy month and our lovely DT's Au and CV are especially lovin' it! Enjoy!
Member Price: php950.00
Non-member Price: php1,000.00
Stock as of April 16, 2008: 2 kits
1 pc. Collage Press Grayson Hall, Daydream
1 pc. Collage Press Grayson Hall, Postmark
1 pc. Collage Press Grayson Hall, World Traveler Cream
1 pc. Collage Press, Grayson Hall Malta
1 pc. Making Memories, Noteworthy Audrey Scallop Ledger
1 pc. Making Memories, Noteworthy Hilary Artisan Edge Blue
1 pc. Making Memories, Noteworthy Hilary Stamp Shape
1 pc. Prima Paintables Bouquet (should only be 1 design left as we used the other in March's kit)
1 pc. Bazzils, white small eyelet, scalloped
1 pc. Bazzils, Raven
1 pc. Bazzils, Seawater
1 pc. Bazzils, Maraschino
1 sheet Collage Press, Grayson Hall Alpha Stickers
1 sheet Collage Press, Journaling Cards Inventory
1 sheet Collage Press, Journaling Tape Via Airmail
1 sheet Collage Press, Journaling Tape Black & Cream
1 pc. Daisy Ds Rubon Roller Tape, Fancy Border
1 set, Maya Road People Keychain chipboard (4 pcs.)
7 pcs. Maya Road Office Sheers, Steno
1 sheet Collage Press, Journaling Tape Via Airmail
1 sheet Collage Press, Journaling Tape Black & Cream
1 yard, black velvet ribbon
1 yard, light blue ricrac
Studio Azul, limited edition stamp - Postmark
Price: Php 980.00
Stock as of April 27, 2008: 2 kits
1 pc. Collage Press, Grayson Hall World Traveler Black
1 pc. Collage Press, Grayson Hall Market Paisley
1 pc. Hambly, Clearly Heavy Overlay Album with Jumpring
1 pc. Fancy Pants Transparency, Be Yourself
1 pc. Fancy Pants Transparency, Bloom
1 pc. Making Memories Paint Cranberry
2 pcs. Making Memories, Pebble Clips Travel
4 pcs. Making Memories, Noteworthy Glitter Jigsaw
1 sheet, Collage Press, Journaling Tape Ledger
1 sheet, Collage Press, Journaling Card Ledger
1 pc. Judikins Color Duster, Stipple Brush
1 pc. Making Memories Paint, CranberrySTAMP:
Studio Azul, limited edition stamp - Postage Stamp
Tuesday, April 22, 2008

. . . pardon our french but the stamps are here!!!!
The stamps for March are here, so we'll be shipping it out to all of you asap or if you are still subscribed we will include it in your April kits. The February stamps Fleur de Lis and add-on stamps Scallops will follow as they are included in our sea freight.
Thanks for bearing with us and again, we are truly sorry for the inconvenience.

Wednesday, April 16, 2008
It's challenge time, and what better way than to scrap us some inspiration! And that inspiration is none other than our very own FIRST Memory Maker Master, IRIS BABAO UY! She generously shared her much raved about LO of pretty Nicole, take a gander . . .To find out more about Iris and her wonderful creations, check out her blog.
The challenge is open to BOTH SA Members and Non-Members alike, or for those who have bought our March Kit, Flower Drum Song.
Here are the rules:
1. Use Iris' LO as your basis, use it as inspiration for YOUR LO.
2. LO Size may be either 12x12 or 8 1/2 x 11.
3. For SA Kit and Non-Kits
Using SA MARCH (Flower Drum Song) OR FEB (Versailles) KIT -- use 80% Kit contents on your LO, and email your creations at with subject heading: SA KIT MASTER CHALLENGE. File size 300kb at the most.
Using OTHER SUPPLIES: use any supplies your heart wants, and email your creations to with subject heading: MARCH MASTER CHALLENGE. File size 300kb at the most.
4. Contestants are allowed to join only ONE category to give a change to others.
5. DEADLINE: APRIL 30, 2008 , 11:59PM Philippine Time
6. Have fun, fun, fun!!!

SUPERSTAR Spin-Off . . .
Our Take on Iris' SUPERSTAR LO . . .
Have a taste of the beautiful creations our Blue Ladies, Au & CV made using the February Versailles kit . . . we can't wait to see all YOUR LO's for our March Challenge, so get-a-scrappin' everyone!
Movin' Up
by DT, Au Lim
Faerie Tales
by DT, Christine V.

Saturday, April 12, 2008
Bloggy Blogs
Welcome! To Studio Azul's new blog!!!
Check it out! How do you ladies and gents like our new look? Do let us know and how we can improve it :-) Our blog is still being constantly improved, so do give us a heads up if you find that some links are not working and so on.
Oh, and do check out our APRIL SNEAKY PEEKIE :-) So Scroll down, click around and Enjoy!

Friday, April 4, 2008
When CV emailed us with her LO's and Mini-Album, she said she couldn't put down her March kit . . . and now we know why! Check these out!Mini Album: 2008
by DT, Christine V.
Layouts by DT, Christine V.
The Beautiful Things in Life
My Favorite ThingsTake Flight
Just Me

Tuesday, April 1, 2008
WHOOOOPS!!! Another LO :-)
Just like Britney . . . Au just WHOOPS! DID IT AGAIN! You just gotta love her LO's :-)
Layouts by DT, Au Lim
Title: Aspire
Title: Hey, BabyTitle: The Ooopsie! Princess